
Hoof Beats…Impressions in Paint

Merri Cyr, editor at Westport Now Magazine photographs and interviews artist Nancy Whitin about her unique collaboration with her horse Domino Could you give us a little background on your history as as an artist living in Westport? My family has very deep


Anxious Objects

Ken Butler is an artist and musician whose Hybrid musical instruments, performances and other works explore the interaction and transformation of common and uncommon objects, altered images, and sounds as function and form collide in the intersection of art and music.


It’s a DA DA World, Again

Dada was an art movement formed during the First World War in Zurich in negative reaction to the horrors and folly of the war. The art, poetry and performance produced by dada artists is often satirical and nonsensical in nature


Photographing Flowers at Night

“To get the perfect shot of flowers at night, my best advice is to expose manually manual. That way you can let yourself really work with the light and use it to illuminate different parts. I usually try to set the aperture